Let's start with the second part of this ..(Animal and plant world)......

Octopus with Mantle
We have developed many of the creatures unusual defense mechanism to defend itself,Octopus with a cloak and scientifically named as Tremoctopus, found in tropical waters and subtropical oceans at a depth of 200-340 meters, has its own mechanism to defend himself.

Fish walk on the bottom of the sea
_ Where Organization declared the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research in Australia CSIRO late last year about the discovery is very surprising, when I discovered there were nine new species of fish that are going already on the bottom of the sea!! Know this fish strange that you watch in the picture as "fish pink with hand Pink Hand fish, "a one family fish animate hand Hand fishs that have been discovered for the first time in 1999 in the Tasman Peninsula, Australia. Strangely, this family fish distinctive is its use fins to walk on the seabed and the ocean rather than swim, so called scientists name" fish with hand "to use their fins Koada going out on the seabed and the ocean! scientists say that these fish were" walk "in the seas and oceans of the world by 50 million years, but do not exist today only in southern and eastern Australia only.! interesting thing is that this is the first time that View pink fish with a live hand since 1999, which will prompt scientists to officially considered a new type of fish species. CSIRO had published these pictures in search calls for more attention and protection of the rich marine life in Australia.

Vljevichia plant Mirabaylis
_ Vljevichia Mirabaylis English (Welwitschia Mirabilis), is a very exotic plants and is found in the deserts of South West Africa (Namibia and Angola), which is a very slow-growing and live between 400 and 1,500 years old. The plant consists of two cards and the root, and swells dramatically papers and scary even up to two meters in length and presented to eight meters. Named this plant after Austrian botanist (Friedrich Valvić), which he discovered in 1859. The plant "fossil" alive because of their rarity and lack of participation in any bio-rated vegetarian with another object.

_White strawberry taste and smell of pineapple
Looks like strawberries, but in fact another type of fruit called Pineberries, a rare fruit species that have been discovered in South America, and was on the verge of extinction before the farmers Dutch rescued through planted in plastic tents.
The supermarket chain was "and Aatrozz" British had drawn attention to this fruit Bank by providing and sell to its customers and has a price per piece 3 euros, and after that will be priced 4 euros per piece weighs 125 grams

Queen Alexandra butterfly
_ Considered one of the largest butterflies in the world, one of the butterflies wings bird species Bird wings where so named because of their large size and shape of their wings like a bird's wings named Butterfly Queen Alexandra Queen Alexandra that name in relation to the wife of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. The length of the wings to 31 cm and weighs 12 grams for the female, the male wings are smaller by about 10 or 12 cm.

Spiders like you did not see before...
_ His group amazing images is the photographer Thomas Rak, which toured throughout Britain in search of those small objects to pick them this group amazing photos. Uses Rak imaging technique feline, which means taking pictures too close to items that are photographed by special lenses with this type ofimaging. wonder how he managed Rak capture these images that make you feel like captures portraits of people! spider stands, looking for the camera steadily strange Eyes...

Panel not drawn by humans..
_ .You may feel it's colorful paintings, but checked look again .. What you see is the true picture of the Namib Desert in Namibia, and orange in the background caused by the fall in the morning sunlight on the sand, while dark areas are under a ridge

Tasmanian devil..
_ Sarcophilus harrisii Imp Tasmania or the Tasmanian devil (scientific name: Sarcophilus harrisii) animal carnivorous mammals marsupials exist only on the Australian mainland in the island of Tasmania. Is now the largest meat-eating marsupial in the world after the extinction of animal Taelsen 1936.
Black in color and there may be white spots on the face and back. The female lays 2 - 4 young at a time and live up to 8 years. His teeth very conclusive being able to tear flesh and bone fracture as well. Live on land and can climb trees. Kzb Elf Tasmanian or demon Tasmania this label because of its brutality and bad as large and which are not in animals such size as well as the courage that make offers of prey mammals larger than a size Kzaba small snakes extremely toxic and dangerous. Feeds on Jeff and prey of other animals, which animal marsupial isolationist loves live alone and fishing alone, farmers fighting him because of his hostility to domestic animals. His lunch consists of poultry, small mammals, snakes, insects, and carrion. Put to the female gives birth of this species born small incompetent. Like most marsupials carry Female Elf Tasmanian young in a pod on her stomach as the fed continues until growth is complete. Risks faced by the Tasmanian devil excised from the Australian mainland after European settlement in 1788. Because they were considered a threat to livestock in Tasmania, devils were hunted until 1941, when it became officially protected. Since the late nineties hit this animal facial tumor reduced the number of its inhabitants significantly. Now is threatened by the human race.

_ Flies May (scientific name: Ephemeroptera) live for one day a rank of insects winged, insect that rank ranging in length from 4 millimeters to 50 millimeters, characterized these insects 2 extra long sanity, as well as redundant other filamentous long and many sanity also may exist some times between .Excess enema insect wings smooth and high-tail double its uniqueness behind it in flight. Insect called May usually fly her Journal,Short-old and mature live fly a few hours or several days, which is to not eat it has no parts integrated Mouth, and this insect is not considered a real fly. Fly true with wings in May while the fly has four wings. May and know-fly as well as fly Ashabl.
We will meet in the third part.....
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