Launched the Volkswagen on the car name and is crate Volkswagen mobile to detect sharks and th
is very similar in Design Volkswagen distinctive "beetle", which can be
driven by divers like any normal car they contain wheels and headlights
to see better in the dark.

you ever imagined that you go cruise to view and explore the depths of
the sea or ocean in a car? Maybe yes, but that is no longer fiction but
became a reality you can experience and enjoy them whenever you want.
company has Volkswagen in collaboration with the Discovery Channel to
produce a car with a gorgeous design mobile can take you to a voyage to
explore the depths of the sea to see sharks close to the point that you
can touch it ... Can you believe it!

also contains the pipes are made of aluminum to protect divers from
sharks (as you see in the pictures), and equipped with pneumatic entire
system built with fans that works to move the vehicle and driving. As we
said in the past has collaborated Volkswagen with the Discovery Channel
and expertise her Divers they supervise and work with the team ..
Justin Osborne, general manager of marketing and communications at
Volkswagen of America: "We wanted this job is leaving a good impression
of our brand Volkswagen in Shark Week

I leave you with the rest of the images

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